Un/Lucky Charms
Un/Lucky Charms

Oil, oil stick, acrylic, and fabric dye on canvas

77 x 61 in

Landscape Elixirs for a Better Landscape
Landscape Elixirs for a Better Landscape

Oil, oil stick, acrylic, and fabric dye on linen

26.5 x 23.5 in

The Irony and Ecstasy of Carbon Sequestration
The Irony and Ecstasy of Carbon Sequestration

Oil, oil stick, acrylic, and fabric dye on canvas

45 x 36.5 in

Science Magic Salvation
Science Magic Salvation

Oil, oil stick, acrylic, and fabric dye on linen

26 x 23 in

Un/Lucky Charms
Landscape Elixirs for a Better Landscape
The Irony and Ecstasy of Carbon Sequestration
Science Magic Salvation
Un/Lucky Charms

Oil, oil stick, acrylic, and fabric dye on canvas

77 x 61 in

Landscape Elixirs for a Better Landscape

Oil, oil stick, acrylic, and fabric dye on linen

26.5 x 23.5 in

The Irony and Ecstasy of Carbon Sequestration

Oil, oil stick, acrylic, and fabric dye on canvas

45 x 36.5 in

Science Magic Salvation

Oil, oil stick, acrylic, and fabric dye on linen

26 x 23 in

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